Sunday, February 1, 2009

He Loves Us Inspite Of Ourselves

I'm always faced on a daily basis, as many artists are, with an inner struggle about whether to create from the heart or according to industry trends. Since I make most of my living selling decorative prints, it has become quite the dilemma for me.

I know in my heart what God wants from me. He wants me to produce work for His glory and He makes it known to me quite clearly through the sales of my spiritual artworks and kind letters from wonderful people all over the world who have been touched in some way or another through my work. I know that's not me, that's Him.

Often, I veer off the path and take my own direction...I'm human, that's just what we do but it is comforting to know that He is with us always, never leaving nor forsaking us as we go through this journey.

This piece speaks to that.

The signed original is 16 X 16 inches on stretched canvas $245. It is also available in print. If interested, please visit: He Loves Us Inspite Of Ourselves at Imagekind


Vikki North said...

Hello Fair Artist of beautiful textural abstracts,

We have been watching you. We are artist also. At least that's what they call us. You may even know us. We'd like to invite you to a member of our very Private Club. We're very selective and only an elite few are welcome on our hallowed grounds. We pick you.

We even have a little 'chit chat' room just for the likes of you. It's rightfully called Dante's Pub. But when your enter BEWARE! You are entering the abyss of the artist mind! You may not find your way out.

You're welcome to watch from afar while drinking your brew or pull up a chair and join us for a little chat. Be sure and register and then log in. After all, this is a very private club. We don't allow just any wanderer in our midst.

Don't dilly dally now! It wont cost you a pence. Check out The Artist Challenge and Dante's Pub- that is if your daring and think yourself worthy to be amongst the souls we've claimed?

Farewell...until we hear from you,
Master Mike and the Pub Wench

Artist Challenge-
Dante‘s Pub -

INA FineArt said...

I really admire your work and your way of life and what you tell us about Jesus. I believe in HIM, too - and I'm so happy to have found you throuth REDBUBBLE. Now I will bookmark your blog and I look forward for many, many news and artworks from you; you have a great talent!!!
Many regards from Germany,

Melinda "Mel" Howard said...

Amen! Keep on with what you're doing. You are honoring Jesus with every painting, every blog, and everything your selling. I KNOW that He is pleased!

A Lady's Life said...

I do think this painting does speak. The colors are beautiful.